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// eslint-disable-next-line es-x/no-math-expm1 -- safe
var $expm1 = Math.expm1;
var exp = Math.exp;
// `Math.expm1` method implementation
module.exports = (!$expm1
// Old FF bug
|| $expm1(10) > 22025.465794806719 || $expm1(10) < 22025.4657948067165168
// Tor Browser bug
|| $expm1(-2e-17) != -2e-17
) ? function expm1(x) {
var n = +x;
return n == 0 ? n : n > -1e-6 && n < 1e-6 ? n + n * n / 2 : exp(n) - 1;
} : $expm1;