* This file contains patch control flags.
* In principle you should be able to mix and match any patches
* you may want. In cases where patches are logically incompatible
* one patch may take precedence over the other as noted in the
* relevant descriptions.
/* Patches */
/* The alpha patch adds transparency for the terminal.
* You need to uncomment the corresponding line in config.mk to use the -lXrender library
* when including this patch.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/alpha/
#define ALPHA_PATCH 0
/* The alpha focus highlight patch allows the user to specify two distinct opacity values or
* background colors in order to easily differentiate between focused and unfocused terminal
* windows. This depends on the alpha patch.
* https://github.com/juliusHuelsmann/st-focus/
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/alpha_focus_highlight/
/* Adds gradient transparency to st, depends on the alpha patch.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/gradient/
/* This patch allows st to resize to any pixel size rather than snapping to character width/height.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/anysize/
/* This patch aims to prevent black bars being drawn on the edges of st terminals using the anysize
* patch. This generally only occurs when the terminal background color doesn't match the colors
* set in st's config.h file, for example when using terminal theming scripts such as base16.
* (I have not found this to be working, but adding for reference. May reduce flickering on
* terminal resizes.)
* https://github.com/connor-brooks/st-anysize-nobar
/* A simple variant of the anysize patch that only changes the resize hints to allow the window to
* be resized to any size.
/* This patch allows the use of a blinking cursor.
* Only cursor styles 0, 1, 3, 5, and 7 blink. Set cursorstyle accordingly.
* Cursor styles are defined here:
* https://invisible-island.net/xterm/ctlseqs/ctlseqs.html#h4-Functions-using-CSI-_-ordered-by-the-final-character-lparen-s-rparen:CSI-Ps-SP-q.1D81
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/blinking_cursor/
/* By default bold text is rendered with a bold font in the bright variant of the current color.
* This patch makes bold text rendered simply as bold, leaving the color unaffected.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/bold-is-not-bright/
/* This patch adds custom rendering of lines/blocks/braille characters for gapless alignment.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/boxdraw/
/* By default st only sets PRIMARY on selection.
* This patch makes st set CLIPBOARD on selection.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/clipboard/
/* This patch allows st to be resized without cutting off text when the terminal window is
* made larger again. Text does not wrap when the terminal window is made smaller.
* The vim browse patch takes precedence over this patch.
* https://github.com/bakkeby/st-flexipatch/issues/34
/* Select and copy the last URL displayed with Mod+l. Multiple invocations cycle through the
* available URLs.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/copyurl/
/* Select and copy the last URL displayed with Mod+l. Multiple invocations cycle through the
* available URLs. This variant also highlights the selected URLs.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/copyurl/
/* This patch adds support for CSI escape sequences 22 and 23, which save and
* restores the window title (for instance nvim does this when opening and closing).
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/csi_22_23/
#define CSI_22_23_PATCH 0
/* According to the specification (see link in BLINKING_CURSOR_PATCH) the "Set cursor style
* (DECSCUSR), VT520." escape sequences define both values of 0 and 1 as a blinking block,
* with 1 being the default.
* This patch allows the default cursor to be set when value 0 is used, as opposed to
* setting the cursor to a blinking block.
* This allows a command like this to restore the cursor to what st is configured with:
* $ echo -ne "\e[ q"
* While many terminal emulators do this it is not adhering to specification. xterm is an
* example terminal that sets a blinking block instead of the configured one, same as st.
/* Return BS on pressing backspace and DEL on pressing the delete key.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/delkey/
#define DELKEY_PATCH 0
/* This patch adds the option of disabling bold fonts globally.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/disable_bold_italic_fonts/
/* This patch adds the option of disabling italic fonts globally.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/disable_bold_italic_fonts/
/* This patch adds the option of disabling roman fonts globally.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/disable_bold_italic_fonts/
/* This patch makes the cursor color the inverse of the current cell color.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/dynamic-cursor-color/
/* Reading and writing st's screen through a pipe, e.g. pass info to dmenu.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/externalpipe/
/* This patch improves and extends the externalpipe patch in two ways:
* - it prevents the reset of the signal handler set on SIGCHILD, when
* the forked process that executes the external process exits and
* - it adds the externalpipein function to redirect the standard output
* of the external command to the slave size of the pty, that is, as if
* the external program had been manually executed on the terminal
* It can be used to send desired escape sequences to the terminal with a
* keyboard shortcut. The patch was created to make use of the dynamic-colors
* tool that uses the OSC escape sequences to change the colors of the terminal.
* This patch depends on EXTERNALPIPE_PATCH being enabled.
* https://github.com/sos4nt/dynamic-colors
* https://lists.suckless.org/hackers/2004/17218.html
/* This patch allows command line applications to use all the fancy key combinations
* that are available to GUI applications.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/fix_keyboard_input/
/* This patch allows you to add spare font besides the default. Some glyphs can be not present in
* the default font. For this glyphs st uses font-config and try to find them in font cache first.
* This patch append fonts defined in font2 variable to the beginning of the font cache.
* So they will be used first for glyphs that are absent in the default font.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/font2/
#define FONT2_PATCH 0
/* Hide the X cursor whenever a key is pressed and show it back when the mouse is moved in
* the terminal window.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/hidecursor/
/* This patch hides the terminal cursor when the window loses focus (as opposed to showing a hollow
* cursor).
* https://www.reddit.com/r/suckless/comments/nvee8h/how_to_hide_cursor_in_st_is_there_a_patch_for_it/
/* This patch adds a keybinding that lets you invert the current colorscheme of st.
* This provides a simple way to temporarily switch to a light colorscheme if you use a dark
* colorscheme or visa-versa.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/invert/
#define INVERT_PATCH 0
/* Pressing the default binding Ctrl+Shift-i will popup dmenu, asking you to enter a unicode
* codepoint that will be converted to a glyph and then pushed to st.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/iso14755/
#define ISO14755_PATCH 0
/* This patch allows you to select text on the terminal using keyboard shortcuts.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/keyboard_select/
/* This patch adds support for drawing ligatures using the Harfbuzz library to transform
* original text of a single line to a list of glyphs with ligatures included.
* This patch depends on the Harfbuzz library and headers to compile.
* You need to uncomment the corresponding lines in config.mk to use the harfbuzz library
* when including this patch.
* https://github.com/cog1to/st-ligatures
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/ligatures/
/* This patch makes st ignore terminal color attributes by forcing display of the default
* foreground and background colors only - making for a monochrome look. Idea ref.
* https://www.reddit.com/r/suckless/comments/ixbx6z/how_to_use_black_and_white_only_for_st/
/* This patch sets the _NET_WM_ICON X property with a hardcoded icon for st.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/netwmicon/
/* This patch allows you to spawn a new st terminal using Ctrl-Shift-Return. It will have the
* same CWD (current working directory) as the original st instance.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/newterm/
/* Open contents of the clipboard in a user-defined browser.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/open_copied_url/
/* This patch allows for URLs to be opened directly when you click on them. This may not work with
* all terminal applications.
* https://www.reddit.com/r/suckless/comments/cc83om/st_open_url/
/* This patch adds support for OSC escape sequences 10, 11 and 12 that modify the background,
* foreground and cursor colors in the way they are implemented in most other terminals
* (e.g libvte, kitty). Specifically it differs from https://st.suckless.org/patches/osc_10_11_12/
* in that it treats the background and foreground colors as distinct from palette colours
* 01 and 07 in order to facilitate the use of theme setting scripts like theme.sh
* (https://github.com/lemnos/theme.sh) which expect these colours to be distinct.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/osc_10_11_12_2/
#define OSC_10_11_12_2_PATCH 0
/* This patch allows you to specify a border that is relative in size to the width of a cell
* in the terminal.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/relativeborder/
/* This patch allows you to right-click on some selected text to send it to the plumbing
* program of choice, e.g. open a file, view an image, open a URL.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/right_click_to_plumb/
/* Scroll back through terminal output using Shift+{PageUp, PageDown}.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/scrollback/
/* Scroll back through terminal output using Shift+MouseWheel.
* This variant depends on SCROLLBACK_PATCH being enabled.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/scrollback/
/* Scroll back through terminal output using mouse wheel (when not in MODE_ALTSCREEN).
* This variant depends on SCROLLBACK_PATCH being enabled.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/scrollback/
/* This is the single drawable buffer patch as outlined in the FAQ to get images
* in w3m to display. While this patch does not break the alpha patch it images
* are not shown in w3m if the alpha patch is applied.
/* This patch adds SIXEL graphics support for st.
* Note that patch/sixel.c/sixel_hls.c come from mintty, licensed under GPL.
* Known issues:
* - Rendering sixel graphics may cause unusual cursor placement, this is
* not specific to this variant of st - the same issue is present in
* the xterm implementation. This is likely an issue of sixel height
* not being detected correctly.
* - If combined with the alpha patch sixel graphics disappear (become white)
* when transparent and rendered against a white background. This is believed
* to be related to how the sixel graphics use RGB colors instead of RGBA.
* A pull request or instructions for how to properly add alpha support for
* sixel graphics would be very welcome.
* Note that you need to uncomment the corresponding lines in config.mk when including this patch.
* https://gist.github.com/saitoha/70e0fdf22e3e8f63ce937c7f7da71809
#define SIXEL_PATCH 0
/* This patch allows clients to embed into the st window and is useful if you tend to
* start X applications from the terminal. For example:
* $ surf -e $WINDOWID
* The behavior is similar to Plan 9 where applications can take over windows.
/* Use inverted defaultbg/fg for selection when bg/fg are the same.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/spoiler/
/* This patch changes the mouse shape to the global default when the running program subscribes
* for mouse events, for instance, in programs like ranger and fzf. It emulates the behaviour
* shown by vte terminals like termite.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/swapmouse/
/* This patch adds synchronized-updates/application-sync support in st.
* This will have no effect except when an application uses the synchronized-update escape
* sequences. With this patch nearly all cursor flicker is eliminated in tmux, and tmux detects
* it automatically via terminfo.
* Note: this patch alters st.info to promote support for extra escape sequences, which can
* potentially cause application misbehaviour if you do not use this patch. Try removing or
* commenting out the corresponding line in st.info if this is causing issues.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/sync/
#define SYNC_PATCH 0
/* Instead of a default X cursor, use the xterm cursor from your cursor theme.
* You need to uncomment the corresponding line in config.mk to use the -lXcursor library
* when including this patch.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/themed_cursor/
/* Adds support for special underlines.
* Example test command:
* $ echo -e "\e[4:3m\e[58:5:10munderline\e[0m"
* ^ ^ ^ ^ ^- sets terminal color 10
* | | | \- indicates that terminal colors should be used
* | | \- indicates that underline color is being set
* | \- sets underline style to curvy
* \- set underline
* Note: this patch alters st.info to promote support for extra escape sequences, which can
* potentially cause application misbehaviour if you do not use this patch. Try removing or
* commenting out the corresponding line in st.info if this is causing issues.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/undercurl/
/* Allows mouse scroll without modifier keys for regardless of alt screen using the external
* scroll program.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/universcroll/
/* Vertically center lines in the space available if you have set a larger chscale in config.h
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/vertcenter/
/* The vim-browse patch offers the possibility to move through the terminal history-buffer,
* search for strings using VIM-like motions, operations and quantifiers. It overlays the
* screen with highlighted search results and displays the current operation / motions / search
* string in the bottom right corner.
* https://github.com/juliusHuelsmann/st-history-vim
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/vim_browse/
/* Briefly inverts window content on terminal bell event.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/visualbell/
/* Adds support for w3m images.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/w3m/
#define W3M_PATCH 0
/* Adds proper glyphs rendering in st allowing wide glyphs to be drawn as-is as opposed to
* smaller or cut glyphs being rendered.
* https://github.com/Dreomite/st/commit/e3b821dcb3511d60341dec35ee05a4a0abfef7f2
* https://www.reddit.com/r/suckless/comments/jt90ai/update_support_for_proper_glyph_rendering_in_st/
/* There is a known issue that Google's Variable Fonts (VF) can end up with letter spacing
* that is too wide in programs that use Xft, for example Inconsolata v3.000.
* This is intended as a temporary patch / hack until (if) this is fixed in the Xft library
* itself.
* https://github.com/googlefonts/Inconsolata/issues/42#issuecomment-737508890
/* This patch allows user to specify the initial path st should use as the working directory.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/workingdir/
/* This patch adds the ability to configure st via Xresources. At startup, st will read and
* apply the resources named in the resources[] array in config.h.
* https://st.suckless.org/patches/xresources/
/* This patch adds the ability to reload the Xresources config when a SIGUSR1 signal is received
* e.g.: killall -USR1 st
* Depends on the XRESOURCES_PATCH.